HR Q&As Human Resources

Labor Poster Requirements for Remote and On-Site Teams

Ensure compliance with labor laws by posting required posters both electronically and physically for your remote and on-site employees.
HR Q&As Human Resources

Does Intermittent FMLA Impact Full-Time Status or Health Benefits?

Learn how intermittent FMLA leave affects an employee’s full-time status and health benefits, ensuring coverage remains the same.
HR Q&As Human Resources

Terminating Remote Employees

Learn what extra steps to take when terminating a remote employee, including legal requirements and returning company equipment.
HR Q&As Human Resources

When Do Employers Need to Pay for Training?

Learn when you’re required to pay employees for training and when you’re not. Understand the four key criteria that determine if training must be compensated.
HR Q&As Human Resources

Managing Exempt Status for Part-Time Employees: What You Need to Know

Learn if you can reduce an exempt employee's salary for part-time hours or if they need to be reclassified as nonexempt.
HR Q&As Human Resources

Managing Pay for Remote Employees During Internet Outages

Managing pay for remote employees during internet outages based on their FLSA status. Exempt employees need full pay; nonexempt are paid for time worked.
HR Q&As Human Resources

Is This a Voluntary Resignation

Learn how to handle an employee's unexplained absence while navigating legal protections. Tips on contacting the employee and documenting your efforts.
HR Q&As Human Resources

Busy Season and Workplace Stress

Discover tips to manage the busy season smoothly and stress-free. Reassign tasks, allow flexible scheduling, and ensure equipment reliability. Learn more!
HR Q&As Human Resources

Managing Conflict Between Employees

Learn strategies to help employees who dislike each other work together professionally, from conflict resolution to setting clear expectations.
HR Q&As Human Resources

Do You Need Permission to Run a Background Check?

Learn when and why you need permission to conduct a background check and what legal requirements apply under the FCRA.