Barbara Collins

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iSolved Releases

iSolved v5.0 NEW RELEASE

Learn about the newest features and updates in the iSolved platform and how to leverage them right away.
Culture Human Resources

Conflict Resolution Tactics for Positive Growth

Disagreements are healthy pieces of human nature. Without debates, our world as we know it may cease to exist.
Human Resources Infographics

Resolving Conflict

Disagreements can be great ways to form new ideas when opposite perspectives work together.

ACA Codes: A 1095 Cheat Sheet You're Gonna Love!

We've created a convenient guide to help you fill out the 1095-C and keep you compliant!
Culture Infographics

10 Simple Random Acts of Kindness

From a simple smile to a note, these 10 suggestions will help you do simple but effective, acts of kindness.
Employee Engagement Infographics

Importance of Employee Engagement

Companies with engaged employees outperform those without by up 200%+
Human Resources Infographics

10 Basics of Human Resources

The 10 basics of human resources. A "cheat sheet" to get you started.