iSolved v6.10.0 New Release

NEW UPDATE for November 13th!

The following new features and development items are included in the isolved release. This summary is intended to provide you with a basic overview of the changes that will be available on November 13.

HCM Updates

  • Benefits and HR
    • Offboarding
    • Dashboards – Hires, Terms, I-9 Management

Time Updates

  • New Accrual Carryover Option


Benefits and HR

The ability has been added to create an offboarding workflow process for employee terminations.

Dashboards have been added to the client and system levels to provide data for new hires, terminations and I-9 completion management.


New Accrual Carryover Option

Our current logic is set with options for accrual carryover on calendar year, anniversary date, fiscal year and last pay period end date. Development added the “last pay period end date” option in June 2019 in an attempt to address client concerns that if a client has a pay period that begins in December and ends in January, the PTO requested in that last pay period will count toward the next year. Many people take time off the last week of December due to the holidays. Some clients do not want this. They want December time to count toward December, irrespective of the
pay period.

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