One of our employees refuses to sign the handbook. What should we do with her?
First things first, talk to her about why she doesn’t want to sign the handbook. There may be an easily resolved misunderstanding about what her signature on this document means.

If that conversation doesn’t solve the problem, and you still want her to work for you, she needs to be told that failure to sign the handbook does not mean she is exempt from the policies and procedures within it. She will be expected to follow the same rules and will be held to the same standards as her co-workers, regardless of whether you have her signature on file.

If she persists in her refusal to sign, ask her to write “I refuse to sign” on the acknowledgment form, along with the date. You should write “employee refused to sign” along with your own signature, and if possible, call in another manager to witness this and sign off as well. Make sure you document (right on the acknowledge form is fine) that you told the employee she will still be expected to follow the policies and would be subject to discipline for failing to do so, just like everyone else.

Still need help handling employee refusal? Contact our team today!

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