Barbara Collins

Barbara Collins
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Human Resources Tips Year-end

2024 Year End HR Tips from Scott

Scott's year-end HR preparation webinar as an easy-to-read guide.
Human Resources Payroll Security

Holiday Fraud Prevention: Protecting Your Business from Seasonal Scams

Discover how to identify seasonal scams and protect your payroll and people.
Leadership Inside Thread

Thread Welcomes New VP of Operations

Thread is thrilled to announce our new VP of Operations, Jesse Quiñones, who brings great expertise and innovate prowess with him
Culture Employee Engagement Human Resources Benefits

Summer Stress: How HR Can Help with Employee Wellbeing

Resources to help your HR team support its employees through mental and financial challenges this summer
Employee Engagement Human Resources

Supporting Employees After the Death of a Coworker

Explore effective strategies for managing grief in the workplace and supporting your team during difficult times.
Hiring Human Resources Learning Management Benefits Wage Compliance Tips

Slider: 7 HR Issues to Stay On Top Of

New to HR? Overwhelmed by employment law? Worried about risks to your organization? Don’t panic! You don’t need to know everything - we can help!
Culture Employee Engagement

Building Bonds

Foster work connections & friendships. Encourage small group interactions & 1-on-1 chats. Lead by example. Build a thriving work culture.
Payroll Security Safety Tips

Slider: Payroll Fraud & Security Tips

Payroll fraud happens at over 27% of all companies. Find the signs to watch for and ways to make your team's payroll more secure in this slider by Thread!
Human Resources

Year-End Close-Out Checklist

Get organized and confident in your year-end HR close-out with this helpful checklist. From W2s to compliance posters, ensure you don't miss a thing.

Managing Risk When Work Computers Go Home

Find out why cyber liability insurance and secure data backups are essential for protecting your company's assets when employees work remotely.