Asking the Right Questions

It's important to engage your new hires frequently for not only their benefit of feeling valued and involved, but also for the benefit of the company, the employees, and future new hires. One great way to engage with your new team members is to have a series of questions you ask at various times throughout their start with the company.

Sure, there are already plenty of topics you already cover, but we're not talking about credentials and "tell me about a time..." type questions. We're talking about the fun inquiries, the ones that can make you realize you both love licorice (and are the only people who do.) Or the insightful, reflective questions that may make you reconsider the training process or that finds a flaw in your new hire paperwork.

"Make these questions casual and comfortable. Remember that a new hire is probably still a little nervous and might not want to look like they're lost or not 'getting it,' so probe for answers in a conversational manner."

You naturally ask plenty of questions during the interview process,  but there are others for after the offer is accepted, and then more on milestone dates like day one, week one, month one, and 90-days into the position. These questions are a combination of getting to know the individual on a more personal level, understand their work style and ethics, and to keep on hand for rewards, surprises, and engagement down the line.

Let's Get You Started

Below we have listed a few questions for the post-interview milestones, some of which repeat at various stages. Feel free to adjust and come up with your own. If you do, or if you have one that you already love to use, let us know! We're always looking #forabetterworkplace.

Once the Offer is Accepted

  • What are you looking forward to the most at this company?
  • Why did you choose our organization?
  • What do you want to accomplish while here?
  • If there was one thing you are worried about in this role, what is it?
  • Ask them about their favorites.
    • What is your favorite color?
    • Favorite candy?
    • Who is in your household and what are their bdays/anniversaries?
    • What's your guilty pleasure?

Those are a few examples, but we have created an "About Me" Fun Questionnaire that you can send or print to give them.

End of Day One

  • As your manager, what specifically can I do to make your transition easier?
  • Why do you think we wanted you on our team?
  • What's the best thing that happened to you today?
  • How do you see your job's role fitting into the organization’s mission?
  • If you had to describe your first day as a movie or TV show title, what would it be?

End of Week One (or two)

  • Is anything about your role, the team or company still unclear?
  • Is the assistance you’ve been receiving as you get acclimated helpful or a distraction?
  • If you can describe the onboarding process in one word, what would that word be?
  • Tell me about your role here. Is it different from what you expected? If so, how?
  • What challenges have you faced so far?
  • Have we provided all the tools you need to be successful, and if not what do you need?
  • Who has been most helpful to you so far and why?
  • Who do you talk to when you have questions about work? Do you feel comfortable asking?

At the End of 30 Days

  • What are you enjoying most about your role?
  • Do you feel like you know your co-workers well?
  • Do you feel like you’ve been well prepared for your work?
  • Do you have to ask a lot of questions about topics not covered in your training?
  • Do you have the tools and knowledge you need to succeed?
  • What challenges have you faced so far?
  • Have we provided all the tools you need to be successful, and if not what do you need?
  • Who has been most helpful to you so far and why?
  • How do you see your job's role fitting into the organization’s mission?
  • Who do you talk to when you have questions about work? Do you feel comfortable asking?

At the End of 90 Days

  • Is the job/team/company what you expected?
  • Was your onboarding successful?
  • Is there any kind of information that would've been helpful that you didn't receive?
  • Tell me about your role here. Is it different from what you expected? If so, how?
  • What challenges have you faced so far?
  • Have we provided all the tools you need to be successful, and if not what do you need?
  • Who has been most helpful to you so far and why?
  • Do you have enough, too much or too little time to do your work?
  • How do you see your job's role fitting into the organization’s mission?

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