NEW UPDATE for October 11th!
The following new features and development items are included in the iSolved release. This summary is intended to provide you with a basic overview of the changes that will be available on October 11.
HCM Updates
- Benefit Enrollment Dashboard
- Benefit Enrollment Dashboard new tab – Pending EOI Requests
- Employee Management Tools organized
- Benefit Reconciliation Report
- Minnesota Pay Stub Display requirement
Time Updates
- Add HR Items to eligibility rules
- Rename Calendars and Menu Links
- [NS 4801] Add Team Filtering to Scheduler
- Employee Clock Setting Import-Add in Break Restriction option
- [NS 1798] Remove Edit Mode on Scheduler
Benefit Enrollment Dashboard
Benefit Enrollment season is here! iSolved has enhanced Benefit Enrollment administration by creating a Benefit Enrollment Dashboard. Easy-to-use tabs identify employees at each state in the enrollment process and provide online details, along with reports and exports.
Benefit Enrollment Dashboard new tab – Pending EOI Requests
A tab added on the Enrollment Dashboard that will allow users to view and edit the enrollment status for Pending or Pending Late Entrant with Evidence of Insurability records.
Employee Management Tools organized
To streamline the employee administration process, the Employee Management Tools have been organized under the Employee Management menu. Depending on the tools you use in iSolved, the employee administration functions can be found in one place.
Benefit Reconciliation Report
New Benefit Reconciliation Export, which will allow users to reconcile Scheduled with Taken Deductions for benefits.
Minnesota Pay Stub Display requirement
Minnesota statute 181.032 REQUIRED STATEMENT OF EARNINGS BY EMPLOYER; NOTICE TO EMPLOYEE. (10) The physical address of the employer's main office or principal place of business, and a mailing address if different; iSolved pay stub supports all requirements of the Minnesota statute, including the ability to include a main address and mailing address for an employer. The second address is available for all states.
Add HR Items to eligibility rules
Eligibility Rules for Human Resources Items:
- Certification
- Education
- Skills
- Training Awards
Rename Calendars and Menu Links
Renamed headers and menu links:
- Time Off Requests to Employee Calendar
- Time Off Requests (Admin) to Admin Calendar
[NS 4801] Add Team Filtering to Scheduler
Added dropdown filter for teams on the Scheduler screen.
Employee Clock Setting Import-Add in Break Restriction option
The ability to import the Lunch Restrictions was already available. It added the ability to import the Break Restrictions as well.
[NS 1798] Remove Edit Mode on Scheduler
Removed edit button on Scheduler. Behavior now consistent with time card, click to enter edit mode.
Updated Time-Off Balances Screen
- [Accrual Plan Name] Current Balance as of [Last Payroll Run]: [Current Balance (last processed)]
- Plan Details Card
- As of Last Pay Period End Card
- Current Pay Period Card
- Current Plan Year Card
- Next Plan Year Card
- *Note: Time-Off Requests-Pending Approval amounts do not count toward projected balances.