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isolved NEW RELEASE July 23

Written by Barbara Collins | Jul 22, 2021 10:38:30 AM

Our NEW isolved release goes live July 23, 2021.

isolved Release Notes

The following new features and development items are included in the isolved release. This summary will provide you with a basic overview of the changes that will be available. This release will focus on increasing privacy for users and improving general user interface.

Self-Service Management Account Status tab
This update will allow users to view current ESS account status through a friendlier user interface. Over 15 column
options are now available on the dashboard to allow for column selections, grouping, filtering, searching, and

Client User Document Access
In addition, accessibility and restrictions have been implemented to the Employee Document User Interface. Each
user’s access rights will be determined by their setup. Users that do not have access will receive the following
message: “You do not have access rights to this document category.”

Masked Fields in Employee Profile and Employee
Summary Screens
To increase Date Privacy for users, the Employee SSN and the Date of Birth have been masked on the Employee
Profile and Employee Summary screens. Personal information usually displayed with numerical values will now be
displayed as “X” whenever new data is entered.

For example:

  • Social Security numbers will now display as “XXX-XX-XXXX”
  • Birth Date numbers will now display as “XX/XX/XXXX”

Celebrating Juneteenth
Finally, in accordance with the legislation signed into law on 6-17-21, Juneteenth has been added to the Federal
Banking Holidays table. Some Payroll Run Schedules have already extended into June 2022, so this holiday will need
to be manually updated to the current payroll schedule. A report can be run to export a list of clients who will need to
be updated manually.

Got questions? Want to add a feature?